This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everything Has a Purpose

What, then, is your purpose in life? When asked about this, what is your answer?
>>>Is it ... to live life to the fullest? To enjoy the world and everything tha'ts in it? To make sacrifices for the ones you love? To become a good person to all humankind? To save the nation from poverty? To just do your own thing without bothering anyone else? To just be there and wait for things to come to your life without doing anything? To devote yourself in work and forget everything? To just take things for granted and it will work just fine in the end? To wallow yourself in self-pity because you're not that rich and famous? To envy the beautiful looks and hating yourself because you are not like that? To be proud of yourself because nobody does? What, then is your answer?
>>>I myself had a hard time answering that question, honestly. You know why? Because first, no one is asking me. And second, because I think that the moment I was asked, I will ask them back the same question. And it's kinda hard to explain of everything that's on your mind without defending yourself on the things that you are doing. It's like you are in a trial or court wherein everyone is judging you by the way you are behaving compared to what you answered, which is the opposite. First thing that will come in your mind, why are you asking? Second is, what's the sense? And lastly, why bother? Yeah that is completely true. Sometimes nobody ever stop to think of this. Sorry, there maybe some, but I can count them with my fingers I guess. Correct me if I'm wrong. Do comment to me when you think that I'm completely wrong.
>>>Ok then, this is my answer. It's not that explosive but I'll try my best to be honest. Maybe first, my purpose in life is to live in this world and to experience all the things that will make me happier than I am right now. That is my number one goal. We always wanted to be happy. To have the best of everything like a happy family, more money, more good friends, a big house with high class cars and good position at work. And to be popular in the society, and to be active in all the church and any organizations. That's what we want, right?
>>>But at the back of my mind, there stays one thing that often answered that question. Only one. That I wanted to live life the way God wanted me to be. It's not that I know exactly what He wants me to do. But I have faith in Him that no matter what I do, I know that He will guide me and be there for me whenever there are things that He wanted me to change in myself. Or that He is the One that is giving me directions. And that, I have no questions. I offer everything to Him. I always wanted Him to be the center of my life, although it doesn't look so when you look at me, but it's the truth. Hope you do the same way, too.


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