This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Best Guide There Is

>>>When we were brought up in this wonderful world of ours, we have no idea on what we are up to. As much as we wanted to. But as a mere baby, we were raised and fed by our very kind and loving parents. And for that we must be thankful. They have devoted their time and effort changing our clothes, washing us and prepare milk for us to survive and to live healthy. They have done their best to give us everything we need as much as they can.

>>>As we grow older, we made our way making progress to different sort of things. We learn different kinds of words and we learn to sing do-re-mi's. We have learned to play with our fellow cousins with our same age. And then there was school. At school, the teacher has served to be our second parents. They taught us all they know and they teach us the proper manners to become a good citizens. And gave us a good motivation for us to be more prepared for the life ahead of us.

>>>As we walk through our daily lives, we have met some personalities that lead us to the right way. Be it a friend, a teacher, our parents, our superiors at work, book authors, artists, subordinates, some acquantances and some that we just met while we were walking along the road. These persons are a great help and we should be thankful that we have met them. They are the ones who have made us, and put us to where we are right now. Without them, we can do little and we can know little about the facts of life.

>>>But the greatest guide that I've known so far is none other that the Lord Himself. Without Him, we are nothing and we can do nothing. He is the one who has lighted our ways and made a path to lead us to a fine and better future. As for wisdom, we may only know that all we have have come from Him.

Do you want to have a wonderful life ahead? Then you must know the guide that will lead you.


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