This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Everyday Is A Lesson Learned

If there’s one thing that I would like to share to anyone, it’s my simple philosophy in life that as the title said “Everyday is a Lesson Learned”.

We do know that living in this wonderful world of us is no mean feat. We have to struggle to survive. We have to be strong. We have to move on. We have to fight.
Sometimes there comes a time when we do a very big mistake that it seems there is no way to escape from it. I just regarded it as a lesson that should be well-remembered so that it can be avoided the second time around.

Now, eventhough we tried to do our best to make everything clear, there will still come a time that something will go wrong. So again, learn from it. So that next time, you can have a better direction.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Want an Advice? I am Here to Help

I know that is very hard if there are things that are bothering us. We can't sleep, we can't eat, we can't even think of anything else except that piece of problem that's been weighing in our shoulders.

If you will trust me, I am here to help. I cannot guarantee that my answer will be the one that will truly solve the problem, but I can guarantee you that releasing it to someone makes your pain cut in half. Or depending on how we can deal with it.

Truly, I am not joking. All I need for you is to talk to me and spend some quality time with me. Your problems may not be solved easily but the burden you have in your heart and in your mind will come off gradually. Just trust and have faith in me.

Trying to Find The Right Person

Here alone in the Philippines, there are over 10 million people living in it. Different folks, with different cultures and styles. Everyone is unique in their own. And for these every person we have to deal with, it's a wonder how we can find the person we think is the right one for us. There are so many things to consider.

If you go for looks, then choose for a hot-looking person with killer smile. If you prefer an intelligent one, be prepared to have a worthy conversation with topics related to science and technology and everything under the sun, moon and stars. If you want someone with athletic features, you must be brave enough to go to the gym or stadium with lots of people looking for a varsity player. There are even some who realy wanted to have a rich companion as it will enable them to escape from poverty.

Whatever your preference is, just ensure that you can handle all the situations associated with being with this individual. For me, it doesn't really matter whether they are cute or brainy just as long as we understand each other and we are comfortable with ourselves. Of course it is really nice if you and your significant-other compliment each other. It's a plus factor if both of you are well-known and well-loved by the society. Just like the actors and actresses that become married. Just be sure that love is in the air.

I just do hope that whatever your status in life is, that you came across with whom you will think will be the right for you. It's is right and proper to know the background of the person but it is not the be all and end all of it. Because nobody is perfect. You may find some misappealling things for sure, but if you really love the person, then go for it.

Friday, March 02, 2007

In Search of A Better World

If we find ourselves in a not so good situation. I f we felt like the world is on us. If all the things that we do have gone into waste. If our family and friends have turn their backs on us. If we can't meet deadlines due to lack of time and resources needed. If there is no money left to spend while bills are pouring all over. All of these are reason enough to find a better place on earth.

Sometimes in our daily lives, there comes a time when we want to leave what we have right now and we constantly think and wish that we are not here. For whatever reason, we find it hard to escape from the bad situation that leads to where we are right now. We often blame ourselves why we do the things that we know can't really help us but merely creating more problems.

Over and over again, we are thinking that maybe it's better if I do this and not that because of this and that. And sometimes we console ourselves that we did it because we thought it is better. We defend ourselves and put the blame to other things and cicumstances that lead to it.

But let's face it, we do our own actions, and we are responsible for that. Whatever the result there may be. Just be strong to face it and stand for what you believe is right. Do not regret all the things that you do. Or do not blame anyone for the things that they've done. Be mature enough to handle the small and big things that come in our way. For only then that you can say, this is me, this is my world, and I do want my world to be happy and great.