This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We All Have Differences

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>>>Life is full of surprises, I think everyone knows that. It's simply a mystery to all of us how we evolved and got to be where we are right now. It's just amazing, right? The world is just an extraordinary place to live with. There are different sort of things in there that attracts even the wildest aliens around, if there is really one, haha. In this country where people dwells in all activities from farming to bungee jumping, it's such a great fun to explore.

>>>It's very amusing to me how countries or nations start to develop a language they can call their own long time ago. It's like "how did they do it?". And where did they get the idea that a thing like this has a given name like, for example, flower. While in our country, it is called bulaklak. I don't know what other countries called that, but I guess it's different. You see, it's a wonder to all of us.

>>>But the most questionable one for me is the people itself. You see, we are all different from one another. There is no other person in the world who talks like us, who thinks like us, who looks like us, and moves like us. I mean, we can see that there's only a resemblance in the way we look, the way we smile, the way we dance, but there is still a very big difference in other aspects. Even the twins have a big difference in their attitudes. We can tell them apart by the way they talk, eat, and the way they drink.

>>>Another aspect is that we have different lives to deal with. We have our own destiny that's waiting only for us. No two persons have the same experience exactly like the others. I mean, even the best of friends who have been together in grade school up to college or even up to work, still have different activities to go on with during their own. No matter how much they would like to be with each other always, still there's a possibility that the life of the others will differ. No two persons are really alike. Eventhough they have common friends, still there will come that one person is particularly be closer only to the other one.

>>>That only shows that who ever creates us have given us all the most special gift that anyone can receive. It's knowing that we are unique and therefore special in many ways. That we have talents just for us. It's for you to know and analyze. Somehow, even more, make that difference an advantage to yourself. That only you can do it and no one else. But being different from everyone is not to be worried. In fact, it will only make us believe that we are created by our one and only God.


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