This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Finding the Right Direction

>>>Whenever we leave home, surely there is a specific place that we want to go to. Say, if we are studying, we go to our beloved university to learn different things that our teacher taught. Often times we go to the mall where we love to shop, window-shop, fine-dine or watch a movie with friends or loved one. Sometimes we go to some mini-parks or beach and swimming pool resorts to enjoy and relax. Me, I often go to office to work, do business things and bond with my co-workers. Before we leave house, we prepare the things we need like bags, money, cellphone, books and uniform. Now that we are prepared, we are ready to go. We have to go to the destination we want.

>>>When we buy stuff like toys, new cellphones, or just plain instant chocolate drinks, we often find the directions or manuals or guides located at the back of the can or in the labels, it's in there. Directions gives us the right solutions for us to do the right thing. And how to use the gadgets we buy. Without this, we will just have to wonder how to use it. It's a good thing that we have a direction to follow, that will lead us to the right track.

>>>Back to travelling, now that I've bought a motorcycle, just a small one, it kinda gives me a sense of freedom. With it, I can go to any places anytime and anywhere, but not that far of course. Or my motor will go haywire. Most of the times, I just use it to go to work, from our house to our company, just 5 to 7 kilometers away. Often times when I'm not working, I just leave it there in our garage. That is because I have no place to go. It is simply hard to travel if you do not know where to go. You just go on and on and on without the faintest idea on what you are doing. Just like a traveller with no sense of direction.

>>>I thank the people who helped me to be where I am right now, they are the ones who gives direction to my life. My family, friends, superiors, co-workers, teachers, everyone. They are the people who gives me instructions on what to do, and how to do it better next time. Even strangers, I thanked them because they also helped me when I am at lost during my journeys, especially in a place completely far from your hometown. Without them all, I'll be just staying where I am at the moment because I do not know where to go. Hope they will always be there for me. I will also do my best to guide anyone who needs me.

>>>Most especially, I thank God for giving me the directions in life. I know He is the one who works wonders for me. The one who took care of me in times of difficulties. And lead me to where I am right now. I hope He will never ever leave me, because if He does, I don't know what to do anymore, I'm completely lost. I am giving everything to Him, to have a complete control in my life. I know that with Him, I will be safe all the time. No matter what I do, I will always be taken care of. And will never lead me to a place I wouldn't want to go to. I want a life that has a direction...


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