This is truly a one adventure of a lifetime. See it from the monks point of view. Or better yet be prepared to endure something that you often ignore and neglected. Amazing things will come your way if you just let your dreams come true and make the best out of anything. Enjoy it as much as you can.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Good Things Come in Small Packages

>>>Hey! Ever wondered why good things happen to you in the speed of light? It will only take a second before you realize that you've got it in you? And eventhough you do not expect it, it comes to your lap naturally.

>>>Why, I will tell directly to your face. Because you deserve it. All your perseverance and your will to achieve great things will be rewarded as soon as it takes. If it was meant for you, but in your case, it really is.

>>>All this stuff that you used to do just for the fun of it? It paid off, in thousand folds. But don't get used to it. It may be this time only. But for some, you win some, and you lose some. I hope there's a win-win situation.

>>>Actually, there is a way. It's just there, waiting for you. You don't know how eager He was, for you to remember Him. Sometimes all it takes is a little knock. If nothing happens, then comes a bigger and heavier knock, until you went out of balance, and search for a hand to take you on the right track.

>>>Just like what I did plenty of times before this. I went all the way down, deep, bottom-of-the-well insanity. It felt like there's no more happiness in this world, and no more good things that will come no matter how hard I try. Well, I've been fooled, by myself. Cause it changed, for the better. I don't know how I did it but surely, He can make a miracle, instantly. And I'm so happy that I've found Him sooner...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Wishing Everybody a Merry Christmas!

Wow, time is running fast, as in very fast. I can hardly catch up. Once again, it's already Ber month, and what do we expect next? Yes, it's Christmas. A time for giving and a time for sharing. That is very very fun. It's so nice to see children of different ages (from 1 to 20) hopping from house to house to get their papasko from their Ninongs and Ninangs. It's great to watch. And you will see the smiles coming from each and everyone, it's full of joy. You will also see how excited the kids are comparing their new dresses and shoes and bags.
I can hardly remember when I was a kid. We used to have a Christmas party at school. And evertytime, there are programs of all sort and the bottom-of-the-line is the exchanging of gifts. It was so much fun.

The Animals in Their Native Land

A month has passed since me and my friends went to Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority to see and enjoy the infamous Zoobic Safari. It was a once in a lifetime experience since we were able to watch all the animals that you could imagine. I haven't thought that I would find there the most exotic and rare carabao-pig. Yeah, that's what I call it. You would have thought that the thing is a carabao, but its body has a texture just like a pig! Well, what do you know. Have you ever thought about that? What if you saw a fish with a skin like a crocodile? Will you be amazed, too? And what was more, there are all sorts, as in all the animals you can imagine are there, you can actually touch them if you want to. Like the rat, cat and dog, and the tiger and pigs and monkeys, to name a few.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

After a Rain Comes a Rainbow


I saw, I came, I sit down and watch all the beautiful scenery my eyes can see. It felt like walking in a dream full of surprises in every step. The longer I walk, the greater the heights of fulfillness dawn within me. It never occurred to me that this thing could happen in a single flash. Merely four years of waiting and anticipating...
By the moment I reached the top, and still moves closer to the ground, everything from the sky, to the sun, and to the sea leaves a memory of the past that encompasses all the visions far behind. This feeling dwells inme wherever I find solitude and true meaning from beyond. A feeling of great happiness and pure satisfaction that longs for a long long time ago...


Life in harmony with nature never seemed so relaxing, it was. You can really identify all the differences in small things and it makes you think that everything has its own unique style and preferences. Different folks with different strokes, and different ways that it will take a lifetime to explain not one's exactly the same...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Good, Better, Best

What a title! Meaning, Good Days are Over, Better Days are Here, and the Best is yet to Come...

Yeah, that's what I think. There's no harm in trying. The good part of life is that dreaming is free. The better part is, if your dreams come true. And the best part is that even when you have not dreamt, if it was meant for you, it is yours. See what I mean?

When I was young and merely eleven or twelve, I always thought of having a bright future ahead of me. When I went to high school, I still thought of fulfilling my dreams and have a dream job so that I can buy my dream house and my dream car...

But things went wrong when I was in College. It was very hard for me. I didn't expected that someone as brainy as me would end up failing my grades. It started in my First Year, Second Semester. Oh, my Gosh, I can't believe it. Two of my subjects have a very high score of 5.0. I bet you, no one in their right mind would have want that grade in my University, in my beloved Alma Mater. That was only in my first year, what more in my succeeding years?

I know things aren't going well. But still, I persevere. It doesn't matter much to me if I have taken a subject two or three times. Just as long as I finished it, and passed it, I feel like I'm walking in the clouds. And voila! After seven bountiful years in my oh so loyalful University, I graduated din, sa wakas. I can't almost believe it! I feel like I'm dying to death.

Now, I am currently working and with a gross income of 5000 pesos a month, how would I suppose to buy all my dreams? Do you think it still matters to me? Yes, it still matters, but what I have now can't be bought by all the money in the world. A good job, a better lovelife than ever, and the best Home in the world. Where me and my family are happily living together. I have good and loyal friends who supported me all the way. To my ups and downs. mostly my downs, they always supported me.

It now comes to this, there is no reason to stop dreaming. Even as you failed, try to persevere. Don't ever quit. Be patient. The blessing is there for you for the taking. It's just there. Waiting for you. It's just a matter of time before you realize that you already have it. Just what I am having right now...